
Introducction to the duck world.

 Hello!!! My name is Alexander and I am a duck enthusiastic guy.      What are ducks? Ducks are the most wonderful animals in the world!      As you can see in the picture, ducks are great. By definition a duck is: " A bird with short legs that lives in or near water " ; so you can't really hate them, it's a bird (Birds are usualy cute), it has short legs, and cute things have short legs, like smurfs; and they live in water, and everybody loves water beacause you need it to live. So you have to love them.

Types of Ducks!

  Dabbling Duck:   “Dabblers” are ducks that tip up in order to feed, rooting through shallow water and mud in search of plants and insects. These ducks will also nibble along the water's surface, and they feed readily on land as well, but they very rarely dive below the water. The most common dabbling duck species is the mallard, but the northern pintail, American wigeon, and different teals are also dabblers.    Diving Duck:  Diving ducks are agile swimmers that dive far beneath the surface of the water in search of food, including fish, insects, and aquatic plants. These ducks prefer to stay in the water and can be ungainly and awkward on land, and they have to build up speed to take off from the water's surface. Diving duck species include the scaups, goldeneyes, canvasback, and redhead.   Eider : These types of sea-ducks are found in very northern, Arctic habitats. Eiders are well known for their lush down and its spectacular insul...

Interesting facts about ducks!

 1-There are domestic ducks!!!             There ducks that you can have as pets!!    2-Until the 19th century people wrote with duck and goose feathers  3-Can Ducks eat bread?       NO! Ducks should not eat bread, they dont get any nutritional value, and they just get fat  4-The yolk of duck eggs is denser than that of chicken eggs    5-They need a lot of water and space, at least 1 liter a day    6-They can't feel temperature in their feet     7-Ducks have six eyelids, three on each eye.    8- Fun Facts about Mandarin Duck        It comes from East Asia      It has symbolic meaning: love and friendship          Its not a duck         


       Ducks are wonderful creatures and al creatures come from somewhere; well ducks also come from somewhere, they come from eggs!          Ducks as most brids, lay eggs and again like mst birds they take care of their mest witch they build out of stiks, grass, leaves, and other plants(They pad the interior with their feathers for warmth and comfortness).   But geographically it is unknown where the duck comes from, what we do know is that it was domesticated for the first time in Egypt about 4000 years ago, we know this because there are egyptian hieroglyphs that show men domesticating ducks:            

Scientific data about ducks!

      Ducks are animals from the "anatidae" family, there is no concept for "normal duck" these animals are like dogs and they are many kinds of duck speecies, in total 12. Where can you find ducks?      Ducks have a cosmopolitan distribution. A number of species manage to live on sub-Antarctic islands like South Georgia and the Auckland Islands. Numerous ducks have managed to establish themselves on oceanic islands such as Hawaii, New Zealand and Kerguelen, although many of these species and populations are threatened or have become extinct.   Do they have predators?        Worldwide, ducks have many predators. Ducklings are particularly vulnerable, since their inability to fly makes them easy prey not only for predatory birds but also for large fish like pike, crocodilians, predatory testudines such as the Alligator snapping turtle, and other aquatic hunters, including fish-eating birds such as herons. Ducks' nests ar...